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SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis

Table of Contents
Volume 4, Issue 3, pp. 409-555

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Spherical Convergence and Certain Singular Integrals

Richard Escobedo

pp. 409-416

Lyapunov Theory and Perturbations of Differential Equations

John V. Erhart

pp. 417-432

Some $q$-Analogues of Certain Combinatorial Numbers

L. Carlitz

pp. 433-446

Improvable Estimates in Some Non-Well-Posed Problems for a System of Elliptic Equations

Philip W. Schaefer

pp. 447-455

A Correction to Leibniz Rule for Fractional Derivatives

Thomas J. Osler

pp. 456-459

Some Nonoscillation Theorems for a Second Order Nonlinear Differential Equation

Stig-Olof Londen

pp. 460-465

Asymptotic Behavior of a Class of Integral Transforms

K. Soni and R. P. Soni

pp. 466-481

Uniform Asymptotic Expansions of Certain Classes of Meijer $G$-Functions for a Large Parameter

Jerry L. Fields

pp. 482-507

On Two Conjectures of Askey Concerning Normalized Hankel Determinants for the Classical Polynomials

George Gasper

pp. 508-513

An Inner product Inequality

Michael H. Moore

pp. 514-518

Asymptotic Expansions of Integral Transforms with Oscillatory Kernels: A Generalization of the Method of Stationary Phase

R. A. Handelsman and N. Bleistein

pp. 519-535

The Approximate Solution of Convolution-Type Integral Equations

Frank Stenger

pp. 536-555